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Posts posted by BogsBinny

  1. "So he escaped?" a certain elder Raevir croaked in reply to his cousin. "Da. I do not know of his current whereabouts." his compatriot replied simply. "I'm proud of that boy. May he come visit one of these days." The man would lift his thin frame from the shoddy desk, a strange feeling in his gut, unaware of the demise of his only son. He would brush it off, returning underneath the looming shadows of a suspended skeleton thrice his size.

  2. What is thy name? Lucan Divu'Sulli

    [OOC: What is your username and Discord handle?] Bogs_Binny, BinnithBung#2944

    What is thy race? Mali'ker

    From which talonii do thou hail, if mali’thill? N/A

    Art thou pure? Ti.

    If not, do thou wish to be? Ti.

    What is thou age? 121

    Dost thou pledge thy troth and loyalty to the Silver Mother, Larihei, and her state? Ti.

  3. Donovan O'Rourke sulks within the halls of his chambers in Halstaig, running a weary hand through his hair. He twirls his beard nervously, defiling his usual composed and proper demeanor. Although he had not interacted much with Woodes, he felt an overwhelming sense of dread pool within himself. He scowled deeply. "I have lived to lose my brothers, my niece, and now my great nephew. I... I refuse to sit idly any longer." he stammered, rising from his desk, his verdant eyes piercing the large door before him which was seldom opened these days. "Enough." he roared.

  4. Full Name of Man - Valent de Rosius
    Date of Birth of Man - 1787


    Name of Woman - Aimee Halcourt
    Date of Birth of Woman - 1798


    Location of Ceremony - The Basillica of the Ascent of Exalted Godfrey

    Date of Ceremony (Year) - 1817
    Name of Clergyman who performed ceremony - Brother Artem


    There Can Be No Salvation Without Atonement




    GOOD ART # Catholic Church Augustinian Order Portrait of Martin Luther as  an Augustine Monk PRINT art painting on canvas|Painting & Calligraphy| -  AliExpress




    The Most PAINFUL Painting of Jesus Christ's Atonement | LDS Daily



    In these supposed ‘enlightened days’ is there such a thing as a true Canonist? It seems ages ago when the martyrs and saints of old walked among us. Faithful like Saint Michael of Cordobe, are seldom seen and rarely listened to. Gone are the days when the faithful would flock to mass, instead they fill taverns and political amphitheaters. They have replaced the word of GOD, with the words of lecherous political demagogues who expel such blasphemy, that to listen to such borders on sin itself! Instead of extolling the virtues of the Blessed Dead, they honor tyrannical mortal lords, they esteem vicious politicians, and lay honor at the foot of false altars. They know nothing! Nothing of the true works of our One True Lord, he who wishes to work through each of us. Instead they seek the pleasures of the flesh, the immoralities that will damn them to an eternity of suffering. Despite this Salvation can still be Achieved.


    The Blessed Saint Michael of Cordobe, patron of the Exiled, teaches us through the story of his life that even those who are the most sinful, the most depraved, the bottom rungs of society can be redeemed, they can seek atonement.. Only through the guiding light of the Lord, can such atonement be reached. But how, how can one who was so sinful, so immoral atone for a lifetime of Sin? There is hope, think back to the storied Crusaders of Old, who with zealous fury and dogged devotion struck down the heathen, the sinful, the idolatrar, and even worse the false prophets. In Death we find peace and our place at the Lord's side, and in Death the sinner ends his affront and brings an end to his heresy. Do not mourn the dead, do not fear the choked gasp of your last breath, do not fear the blades of your enemies, do not weep before the gallows. No! Welcome it, for if it is your time you will be carried to our Lord’s side. For only he, and he alone, knows the hour of your death. So come, come and rejoice! Rejoice before the true Altars of our GOD, turn back from the pleasures and depravities of this mortal plane and atone.

    Penned by Acolyte Artem Carrion

  6. Spoiler



    On Suffering & The Human Condition




    Christian monasticism - Wikipedia




    What plague art tells us about today - BBC Culture




    As mortals, we believe suffering and happiness to be opposites on the spectrum of the sentient experience. We are taught to believe suffering to be a horrible and desolate wasteland for one’s spiritual and mental health. We raise questions to GOD, to our kin, and to ourselves - “Why me? What have I done to deserve such? What sort of cruel God subjects his loyal believer to such?” Amen I say to you, brothers and sisters in faith - for GOD has further foresight than our temporary existence on this Earth, the condition of suffering should be considered His blessing.
    There are times in our lives when we wish we could change aspects of ourselves and our lives - aspects of GOD’s infinite plan for us. Sometimes we lose what we care about, we are separated from those we love, our bodies fail us as we get older, we feel as if we have lost the remainder of His flock, or our short lives just seem to be wasting away. Suffering does not necessarily mean grave physical pain, but rather the mental suffering we undergo with the natural tendency of the mind to wander towards hedonism and the fleeting nature of life.


    When I was a young child, I often kept to myself, I was the loner within Uncle Ostromir’s enormous family, and although I carried the Carrion name, I never received special treatment for such. Of course, I never went hungry nor did I feel the burden of economic pressure - but I feel that such only isolated me from my brothers and sisters in faith, as I observed the suffering of those outside of his manor. As I grew older, I would often sneak off and mingle with the locals, learning of the suffering of the outside world, and of their belief that each individual person has a small portion of GOD embedded within their soul - this is what they believed He wishes to strengthen within them, and I have found that one of His ways to do such is through suffering. For what would we be but dust and ash if not for His essence within each of us, making a spiritual template for our mortal souls to follow through upon?


    Upon turning 18, I decided it best to set out and find my own place within the world. Upon receiving the blessing of Uncle Ostromir and my parents, I began to venture the realm of Almaris, visiting the dwarves of Uruguan, the elves of the Silver State, the Heartlanders of Norland (who’s faith happens to contain several logical fallacies, but that is a separate issue), and the deserts near Sutica and its vassals. On my travels, I was attacked by a group of bandits, who taking me for a ‘disgusting Orenian noble’, nearly cut me in half and took what little personal possessions I had remaining, then left me to bleed to death in the desert.

    Perhaps it was blood loss, perhaps it was the heat of the Sun upon my face, but having made peace with GOD, I was greeted with a vision of Saint Michael of Cordobe. He approached me, placed a hand upon my injured shoulder, and upon our mutual intensive prayer, I felt the healing power of GOD himself course through my wounds. I did not understand, and so I inquired of the Saint, “What is it you ask of me? Why has GOD spared my life?” Saint Michael cast a merciful glance upon me, to which he simply answered “Amen I say to you, it is not your time, my child. Go and help those less fortunate, and spread the word of the Lord. May He bless you on your journey.” Within a blink of an eye, his immaculate form disappeared, leaving me confused yet empowered with a new meaning to my life.

    With this, I have journeyed and studied, learning about the history of His church, and pondering His choice to bestow suffering upon his faithful flock. I was able to identify three kinds of suffering. The first kind is the obvious suffering caused by physical discomfort, from the minor pain of stubbing a toe, hunger, and lack of sleep, to the agony of chronic disease. It is also the emotional suffering that arises when you become frustrated, when things don’t go your way, when you question life’s injustices, worry about money, or fear you will not meet the expectations of others.

    A second, more primal form of suffering is that of change. When we finally acquire what we have yearned for our entire lives, we may never truly keep it. Even if things are going great now, it’s just a matter of time. The richest, most successful person in the world will eventually lose it all, only having the treasure of GOD’s kingdom in the Seven Skies to look forward to. The final form of suffering is our spiritual suffering, the general background of anxiety and insecurity that taints even our happiest moments. Deep down, we fear that our short life doesn’t offer us solid ground, and that our very existence is questionable. Brothers and sisters in faith, it is natural for us to feel such a way - for we are but a small portion of GOD’s infinite wisdom. Believe in Him, and He will walk with you through the suffering that is our existence here on Earth.

    Whenever there is pain of any kind, the pain of aggression, grieving, loss, irritation, resentment, jealousy, indigestion, physical pain, upon deep personal reflection and introspection, we find that behind the pain there is always a silver lining, our merciful and loving GOD’s true message embedded within our suffering. Without suffering, those moments of true serenity and happiness would not have the meaning they do to us now. We would not develop spiritually and mentally without the challenges GOD throws in our path. I thank GOD for his interjection within the desert, and I pray that I may live up to His expectations for me, that I may carry out the mission that He entrusted Saint Michael of Cordobe, the saint of the white bull, to introduce to me. May GOD be with you, my brothers and sisters in faith.


    Penned by Acolyte Leonid Carrion

  7. The missive of Gino's death sits on a coffee table, a shoddy stew brewing over the fire. A decrepit corpse of a man tends to his wound, a sense of dread cumulating in the pit of his stomach. "Only wy would listen to my ravings, Gino. Even when my beloved would niet." He sighed, entering a coughing fit as he cleaned his old instrument. "Is a shame we will not meet in the afterlife." the man muttered, rubbing the bridge of his nose to nurse his earsplitting headache as he began to play a melancholy tune on his miserable violin.

  8. Acolyte Leonid signs the Lorraine as he hears the joyous news. He makes a mental note to be sure to help his brothers and sisters in faith with preparations. He would bless the young couple with a prayer as his lip slowly creeped upward.

  9. An aide would bring the missive to the scraggly haired, decrepit corpse of a man. As his verdant eyes scan its contents, the corner of his mouth creeps ever so slightly upward, followed by an airy chuckle. "Bolshe spasiba, Annabelle. I hope she finds her peace." The elder croaked as he stood, putting out his cigar and heading towards the door. As he pulled the door shut behind him, he would enter a small coughing fit, a young hand now full of vitality would raise a crimson handkerchief to his mouth, a few splotches of blood being added to it. He would pocket the handkerchief and step outside, basking his juvenile face in the tropical sun as the voice within his head receded.  

  10. Dimitri Orlov would be struck in the head by Giada, with her cursing at him in Illatian. "You'a woke up Naty!" she'd bark at him, as the man would laugh uncontrollably. She would scowl deeply at him, before looking to the missive. She would roll her eyes and leave the room. After he finished his fit of laughter, Dimitri would toss the missive into the fireplace and head into the living room to soothe his wife.



    ADDRESS OF RESIDENCE: HALSTAIG 1 (Under Construction)

    YEAR OF BIRTH: 1761


    Are you registered and eligible to vote in the Western District? Yes.


    Do you have any other title, peerage or military service that may conflict with becoming a Member of the House of Commons, as per the Edict of Reform (1763)? No.


    If yes, do you understand that you will be required to resign or abdicate from this position should you be elected to the House of Commons, and if this does not occur your seat shall be considered to be vacant?: N/A


    ((MC NAME)): Bogs_Binny




    DATE OF BIRTH: 1760


    Are you registered and eligible to vote in the Holy Orenian Empire? Yes.


    Do you have any other title, peerage or military service that may conflict with becoming a Member of the House of Commons, as per the Edict of Reform (1763)? No.


    If yes, do you understand that you will be required to resign or abdicate from this position should you be elected to the House of Commons, and if this does not occur your seat shall be considered to be vacant?: Yes.


    ((MC NAME)): Bogs_Binny

  13. Dimitri Orlov smiled as he read the pamphlet. "Bolshe work. I would niet expect anything less from our friends." he'd muse to his family, as he looked to the crystal glass of whiskey in his palm. As he swirled the liquid, a smile of pride would grow as he looked to Giada. "Is all in hands of voter now, Gia." He would raise his glass, before offering a toast. "To voter, our most loyal ally." Dimitri would then gulp a fair portion of the whiskey before continuing his dinner, with an air of excitement now lingering in the room.




    DATE OF BIRTH: 1760


    Are you registered and eligible to vote in the Holy Orenian Empire? Yes.


    Do you have any other title, peerage or military service that may conflict with becoming a Member of the House of Commons, as per the Edict of Reform (1763)? No.


    If yes, do you understand that you will be required to resign or abdicate from this position should you be elected to the House of Commons, and if this does not occur your seat shall be considered to be vacant?: Yes.


    ((MC NAME)): Bogs_Binny

  15. seperator.png.71671f2403ae7be63911141cb8b3eb17.png

    The marriage of Prince Alfred and Grand Duchess Maria...


    An envelope with the Orlov family seal is handed to you hurriedly by a smiling aide. 

    Upon opening and reading through the contents, you realize you have been personally invited to a wedding and a reception.


    “All residents of the City of Helena and the Holy Orenian Empire are cordially invited to attend the union of Dimitri Orlov and Giada Fiorella d’Amato at the Basilica of Helena and the reception thereafter, hosted at 3 Sabari Street.”


    A specially tailored invite would be sent to the following friends and family:


    Archchancellor Jonah Stahl-Elendil

    Vice Chancellor Franz Sarkozy
    Secretary Padraig O’Rourke
    Secretary Victor C. Halcourt
    Secretary George Dubois
    MHC President George Galbraith


    Veronica d’Amato

    Belladonna d’Amato
    Lorenzo Augustus d’Amato
    Lusia d’Amato   
    Vincenza d’Amato   
    Giorno d’Amato

    Mariella d’Amato

    Florenza d’Amato-Falcone 

    Sheriff General Aleksei Orlov

    Lizaveta Orlov

    Anastasia “Azariah” O’Rourke-Elendil

    Ostromir Carrion
    Santiana O’Rourke 

    Vittorio Antonio Falcone

    Annabelle Kelmenour

    Niccolo Vasari

    Dabar al’Arwani



    Sunday , October 18th

    4:00 PM EST






  16. 100% agree on the subject. The system definitely needs a rework. The fact that people default to rolls make the roleplay less entertaining and removes the immersion aspect if for example someone decides to roll on an assassination attempt. If you look at my signature, that’s one of the outcomes of that. The target can now dodge any fatal damage because they’re rolling on something their character has no knowledge of. That, on top of a human being able to roll 20 against an orc and the orc suffers critical injury. +1 from me.

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