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Everything posted by Wizardmagicgo

  1. Wizardmagicgo


    The raven-black haired mother of Callius (Irene) was an adventurer. She travelled all over the known world and saw beautiful sights and fought ferocious beings. She met a man named Alistair Brightwind, he was a kind man and always loved taking care of others. Irene fell in love with Alistair’s golden locks and emerald green eyes. After a few months Irene discovered that she is with child but she refused to tell Alistair since she was worried about his true intentions so she hid the secret until it became to obvious and she ran away and never looked back. She spent the rest of her time continuing adventures and quests until it became unsafe for the baby so she begged to stay in a random orphanage until she was in labour and when her water broke she fled to the forest and gave birth to a child. She decided to leave the baby knowing that the life of an adventurer is not suitable for a child and left him their with a blanket rapped around him with the name Callius Brightwind written on it. Callius was literally born orphan as his mother was able to give birth to him in a field but abandoned him right after. He was found by the owner of an orphanage in the north of Arcas. Her name was Lydia Stormborn. He was always a stubborn child that always wanted things to go his way but as he grew in the orphanage so did the people around him and he learnt from their mistakes and make many friends as he got older. He always found himself getting too attached to people. When they would leave the orphanage it was as if their faces have been erased and he would never see them again. This caused Callius great pain and every time he saw someone go it became harder and harder to cope with the situation and time became his enemy. As time went on people came and went and change was a key part in his life but it was the part that he hated the most. When he was 12 he was experiencing severe depression since he knew that life never stay’s the same but he still loved it there since it was were he learnt everything about life, it was where he ate his meals, its was the air he breathed growing up and no matter what happened he would still be grateful for being accepted there. When he was 14 day one of the orphans that was like a sister to Callius told him “if life stayed the same then we would never evolve or improve” The next day she ran away but those words had changed him and the way he saw life forever. When he was 15 he finally was able to overcome his depression and accepted change and after he did that the world didn’t seem as painful or scary to him anymore. When he was 16 he found a book that contains stories of mages preforming incredible feats and changing nature and the world around them with their magic. Tales of brave heroes using their power to write a wrong in the world and that is when Callius had decided what to do with his life, he knew he wanted to become a mage and become his own master of change because he thought that if the scar could change him than maybe magic is the key to improving the world and is the only way to bring wonder and happiness to the world. When he was 16 Lydia thought that Callius was old enough to know the truth. Lydia knew his mother as this was the orphanage that she stayed at as Lydia gave Callius a blue jacket which belonged to his father in the past. The following night he leaves a letter for Lydia thanking her for all she has done for him but he is ready to move on and goes on to say that it is best to start early as there are few who are willing to train him in the art of magic. Even to this day Callius is still looking for a master to teach him the sacred art. To him, magic has become more than just a power or another part of the world but it has become a relief to all his pain and personal hardship. Change has shaped his life in both good and bad ways and for Callius being a mage is being a master of change. In his mind he can change the world for the better and try to make this world only a place of joy and happiness but still. His pain hasn’t ended. He may not be depressed anymore but his mind has been tainted by the sadness of time and him using magic is the only way to revive the world. When he was 18 he travelled all the way from Sutica to Fenn just so he could find a mage that could train him in the art of magic. Later on in that year he came across a friendly orc that knew someone that knew a mage but it turned out to be a dead end but he still hasn’t given up on his journey to bring joy to the world through his magic.
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