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Everything posted by Xanderill

  1. Xanderill


    Bresiir Godrick Vaask was born in the Commonwealth of Kaedrin to a humble blacksmith and his wife, Pateris and Melania Vaask. Since his early childhood, Bresiir’s interest in the light of the forge sparked his father’s delight, as well as his concern. While Pateris was a loving and doting father, he wanted his son to grow big and strong to join the Grenadiers when he came of age to avoid the boring life of a blacksmith. He even paid for his schooling in hopes that Bresiir would catch interest with some other topic and get his mind off of the hot coals and hard work associated with the working of metal. Bresiir, however, cared not for the ways of the soldier. Hearing of their teachings and how contradictory they were to the way his father had raised him made his stomach churn in disgust. In the public eye, they were god-fearing loyalists who put the cares of humans above all else, but behind closed doors, a different picture was painted. His mother Melania, once a gypsy herself, had travelled the world in search of stories to one day tell her children. Had the gods not cursed her with infertility at the young age of 26 just after having given birth to Bresiir, many more little feet would have pattered their way across their wooden boards. Bresiir was a stubborn child, too often reluctant to follow orders of teachers and mentors alike, but never going so far as to trouble them beyond reason. He was a pain, but still a good child at heart. While he kept up with his academics, his interests in the embers of the forge only grew, and before long he had begun practicing the shaping of metal in his own time. When his father caught wind, he finally relented and taught the child the ways of the smith, even going so far as to teach him secret family techniques in hopes that one day they would be passed on and kept alive. From the age of 12 to 18, he practiced day and night on the forge, becoming a true blacksmith in his father’s eyes, and even being allowed to craft items for his father’s shop, many of which sold at a slightly higher price than his father’s original works. Pateris claims it is because he put them up as “special editions” but the hint of pride in his voice told Bresiir that he had a real talent with shaping metal. Eventually the time came that Bresiir wanted nothing more than to travel the world like his mother and learn the smithing techniques of all the kingdoms he could, so that one day he could develop his own style and make weapons so great, kings and queens would line up at his doorstep to order their own blades! At the ripe young age of 19, Bresiir started his journey, swearing that he would return to his village only when his dreams had finally come true.
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