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Everything posted by Mahardy

  1. Mahardy


    Durotan was born up in the highest mountain of Krugmar. He was brought up right by his people until it happened. No one knows how old he is but they say he can live up to over 200 years old. He told his family “ I'm sick of being the smallest orc in the village and being picked on cause of my size. Ill show you guys ill show every one in the village when I return”. He set off with nothing but a little boat and a compose. There was a horrible storm that night. Durotan was going up and down with the waves and was being hit by trash in the face. The next object was a rock, Durotan was Knocked out cold. Not being able to control his ship he drifted away off Corse to an island. He woke up on the island scared, alone, and Colder than the Frozen pond. He stood up, grabbing a stick from a fallen tree and he got himself ready to attack something or someone. He went into a pitch black cave, and saw a dark figure a small bearded Dwarf in a gray outfit, on the fence he orc stood in the cave entrance and the dwarf looked up “have you come to eat me?” the orc shaked his head the dwarf lit a small fire. “come dry off, I have food for you.” the Dwarves words where simple and Durotan hungry he moved closer suspishesly inspecting the son of urguan. “if I wanted you dead, I’d killed you, what's your name orc?” durotan would sit down and smell the rabbit the dwarf was roasting “Durotan” he’d say and te dwarf would smile. Durotan would spend the next decade on the island training and becoming larger and strong with his dwarven friend before returning to Krugmar Larger and Stronger then he’d left.
  2. Mahardy


    Durotan was born up in the highest mountain of Krugmar. He was brought up right by his people until he went and saw the Old One. No one knows how old he is but some say he can live forever. He told his family “ I'm sick of being the smallest orc in the village and being picked on cause of my size. Ill show you guys ill show every one in the village when I return”. He set off with nothing but a little boat and a compose. There was a horrible storm that night. Durotan was going up and down with the waves and was being hit by trash in the face. The next object was a rock, Durotan was Knocked out gold. Not being able to control his ship he drifted away off Corse to an island. He woke up on the island scared, alone, and Colder than the Frozen pond. He stood up, grabbing a stick from a fallen tree and he got himself ready to attack something or someone. He went into a pitch black cave, and saw a dark figure around a green substance. He approached the figure not knowing what to expect, the figure said “ Iv been expecting you Durotan”. “How do you know my name”. “ I know you want power beyond your wildest belief”. “ I do, But how can you give one such power”. “You don't need to know just drink this and your wish will come true”. Durotan hesitated for a moment and drank it. Within Minutes he was as tall as a house as big as a whale and as strong as 10 orcs. He returned to Krugmar and was seen by the whole village. Everyone gazed at Durotan Knowing they were wrong. He went back home and said “Are you happy yet”. That is the story of Durotan, people say its fake. But then how am I alive? Oh and I made a bad decision! what I didn't know is by drinking that Drink i would be possesed.
  3. Mahardy


    I was born in year 1709 in the darkest cave of Krugmar. I was a little boy when my family went on a trip to curon. I stayed home because I was trying to work my way up to a overlord of my own fortress. I got a message that my family was killed in a bad storm. This made me work harder for my chance to rule over anyone. By the time I knew it I was 45 and a Warchief running most of the Fortress. The Problem was the overlord was very strict and had no pride in this fortress. Me and some of the orcs were making a plan to kill the overlord and for me to be the new overlord. during the mission we failed and were convicted of treason. Thankfully I escaped before I was hanged. I hid under a blanket and hid away on a ship. I ended up in a lovely city. I told myself “I will rebuild something new and create a clan where I can take over and rule all”.
  4. Mahardy


    “Hello my name is Durotan, I was killed 10 years ago during a Mak’Gora against Gul’dan, The man with no honor. Let me tell you what happened. I was born in the Alterac Mountains in year 1. Growing up as te smallest boy in the village but the most feared. My father was the Leader of The Frost Wolf Clan, Sadly he died in battle against the alliance. On his death bed he told me I can be leader of the clan, I Refused. I joined the Stormreaver Clan, The Leader was Gul’dan. For the longest time I heard of clan leaders come to challenge him to Mak’gora, They all come here alive but never leave here. Every Under Chief Said “You Have No Honor”. I never Believed it because I never saw it. One day I saw it and was in disbelief of what I saw. He used his powers to take the life of the Chiefs who challenge him. I left the clan that night swearing to never be corrupt by the Dark Spirits. I went to the Frost Wolf Clan and took the rank of Leader, I know my father was happy of me even I he wasn't here. I marched with my clan to the Stormreaver Clans Fort and Challenged Gul’dan Mak’Gora. I knew that day I would die. I was killed with my Health, Strength, and my Soul drained from my body. I was burred with my father in Alterac Valley. I was lifted by the gods and I saw my father. He told me “Son It is not your time return to Azeroth and finish the person that ended you”. I was sent back down with my Health, Strength, and Soul. I was tracking down Gul’dan and the Stormreaver Clan to finish them. During a war with the Alliance, Me and my frost wolf clan were ambushed by the king of Azeroth. My whole Clan was lost, My fathers work is gone. I jumped on the nearest ship and hid. I ended up in a City, and said “This is where The Clan is reborn”.
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