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Everything posted by HatTheFoul

  1. HatTheFoul


    Rerak had a fairly normal childhood when compared to other goblins in the capital of Krugmar. learning from elders how the world works, being sometimes bullied by other orcs, drawing their first blood in battle, and discovering the wonders of machinery. of course its not a fun story unless somethings different. as such, Rerak has a uncharacteristic sense of self worth, calling themselves ‘the great lord of doom’ or some other form of ridiculous titles. had it not been for his inventions (which work most of the time) he would not be here today. one of the many things brought to his attention was shamanism, and by extension spirits. Rerak has believed long that the stars in the sky are the many spirits from this world and loves to stargaze at them, wondering how each one got to where it is now. but beyond this activity (and scheming) he claims he tries to not waste time on little things, and then immediately goes to do some activity that is not very productive. a few of his fellow goblins think possibly he was hit on the head too hard as a kid, or perhaps is just slightly insane. but no one had the chance to ask before he left one day, biding his family farewell and wishing his friends luck on the battlefield to come, he went in search of ‘inspiration’ for his next device. lets just hope the next one doesn't involve snakes...
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