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Orm Hrolfson

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Everything posted by Orm Hrolfson

  1. Orm Hrolfson


    Born son of Urist Coalbeard and Sharya Snowshield in the city of Kal'Darakaan. His mother was was a shield maiden, and his father a miner, spending his free time leading his son Hofni around the mountains and tinkering with little crafts. As Hofni grew, he found a love for tinkering and crafting as his father, and found himself wishing to be the shield his compatriots use to defend themselves as his mother was. Hofni, at the agee of 20, began to explore the mountains alone and learned much on how to survive the harsh peaks and frigid snow. Hofni and his father created and sold the small trinkets they made by their home fires, and Hofni maintained the armor and weapons his mother used in combat. Hofni, now age 40, learned to make small statues, carvings, and even small contraptions that could play small tunes when spun. Hofni, maturing and becoming a young man, his mother and father knew he was not meant to stay with them, but head off into the world to seek his own future. Hofni set off, now at the age of 60, and he came to the conclusion that he would seek to join the Frostbeard Clan, due to being fellow Mountain Dwarves, and for their respect for tradition. Hofni also wishes to make a extravagant craft so well known across the lands that it would not only bring glory to him, but to the clan as well.
  2. Orm Hrolfson


    Snorri Stonebreaker was born in 1712 to a small mining family along the North Western Mountain Range. He had himself, his father, and his sister Numip, alas his mother died in childbirth. He grew strong as he aged, from helping his father on his mine for a long time, and his sister cooking for them both. As Snorri wanted to help more, as so did his sister, the two siblings travelled with their father to the city of Kal’Valroth. Snorri, being age 12 and his sister 11, wandered the vast city, staring at the scope of its high walls. But, Snorri’s father told the two to stay with the Da Kirkja Dverga as he was going to go fight in the Three Month War. Though Snorri was only 12, he took his sister to the shrine of The Brathmordakin and prayed. Their Father never returned.. At the end of The Three Month War, Snorri took his sister Numip and returned to their mine, or what was left of it. The War has seen humans spread into the Territory of The Under-Realm of Urguan, and Human settlers had taken their mine over. But at the end of the war, burned it and left it in ruin. With no where left to go, Snorri and Numip tried to return to Kal’Valroth, but were robbed by a band of bandits, and Numip was injured. Snorri found scavenged for things to help his sister, but too late was he. And she passed that night. Snorri buries his sister Numip, prayed to the Brathmordakin, and walked to Kal’Valroth, and collapsed in exhaustion. Snorri, at the age of 18 now, worked in the Mines of Kal’Valroth, and worked their for years until deciding to take a trip back to his old mine. He returned to the North Western Mountain Range, and rebuilt his home there. At 22, Snorri Stonebreaker found his Father’s Shield under the floorboards of his mine, and placed it upon his wall. But, after years of working in his mine, thieves broke in and stole the Shield of his Father, and in vengeance Snorri now searches for the men who stole it from him. As he searched, he foraged and hunted in the woods, making clothes when his old ones tore, growing his hair out and learning how to make stews and gather helpful ingredients in the woods. At 25 he still searches for his father’s shield, and has yet to slay the men who stole from him.
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