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Everything posted by WalkingBearfoot

  1. WalkingBearfoot


    Ferryn was born in Haelun'or to a pure mother and father. His mother is a scholar, and his father is a skilled player of many instruments. His father began teaching him to play the harp at the age of 12, and the lute at the age of 14, and he continues to practice since. At 22 he began to travel, seeking to learn about different cultures. During his travels, he made sure to experience all there was to offer, like the local cuisine and art. While visiting Sutica, he was further trained in his music skills by a human named Nierum, who was a swordfighter when he was younger. Nierum and Ferryn became good friends, and Nierum decided to train Ferryn to swordfight, in case he was ever attacked during his adventures. Despite how he enjoys exploring the world, he still feels drawn to his place of birth and is homesick at times. Because of this, he likes to frequently visit Haelun'or whenever his travels allow it.
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