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Everything posted by Bytsizegodzilla

  1. Bytsizegodzilla


    Morwen was born and grew up in the forest in an Elven city of A'i Alari, a city built on the trees. Her mother, Lythiene, is a High Priestess of Selune and her father died in battle shortly after she was born. She grew up in a very structured environment with her mother having high expectations of her and forcing her to study to one day follow her footsteps. She seldom had friends because of this, and the few people who she called friends were more like close acquaintances. Growing up in the high hall of the temple, among the cold, unsmiling statues of the Goddess, all Morwen wanted to do was spend time in the forest. She started by sneaking to the edge whenever she had free time, and trying to make friends with the critters. The day her mother found out, she received a stern talking to, but as the years went by and her mother realized she could not control such a wilful child, she started adventuring into the forest; not very far at first, but farther as she got to know the land. She has been venturing out with the hunting parties as of late (against her mother’s wishes), and there is no place she is happier than among the trees.
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