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Everything posted by Einri

  1. Einri


    Einri was born in a small town within the Holy Orenian Empire. Her family was not nobility or of any great wealth. Instead, they ran a simple tavern and pub. In Einri’s youth, she grew up hearing stories of the War of the Two Emperors from her grandfather, who fought in said war. Einri was given a basic education to be able to read and write by her parents, but the girl enjoyed reading. She would end up diving into any books she could find in an attempt to learn more, but as the town they lived in was small, books were rare. As a result, Einri constantly spun her wheels attempting to learn more. She could never learn much unfortunately. Other kids in her town would often tease her for her affinity for books, but she did have some friends growing up. Still, Einri was probably the closest with her grandfather who told her stories about when he was younger and traveled as a soldier, especially focusing on the majesty of the city of Helena. Her grandfather would pass away when she was a teen. When Einri finally turned eighteen, she decided to leave her small town to go out on her own. She chose to try visiting Helena first due to her grandfather’s fond memories of the city.
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