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Everything posted by Gwenabeth

  1. Gwenabeth


    Gwenabeth or Gwen, had a seemingly normal childhood, despite a lack of childhood friendship. Gwen was born a half wood elf, on her father's side and half high elf on her mother's side, resulting in olive skin but also light dirty blonde hair. Her father comes from the Tinuviel seed, although she spend much of her early life in Aegrothond. As a young girl Gwen made the choice to follow her own truths whilst abiding by the religion el’narnsaeame as well as researching into her mothers side of the high elf society, which she does not feel welcome in. Gwen has no interest in becoming a Dyrad, which her and her father agreed was not her fate, because of her wish to be seen as a modern elf. Despite this, she primarily follows the teachings of the el’narnsaeame, specifically focusing on the Hamasta and the bear mother. When she got her tattoo she got the vines of Cerridwen due to her healer nature. Later in her travels she does not let onto the fact that she does indeed follow religion, she chooses to specifically worship these gods as she believes that protection and healing are two of the most important things in her life. She also admired Taynei as a great warrior, her father often telling her stories based on her. Gwen was taught a manner of things by her father, her father was healer of the town and associate with the now deceased Edward Boyle, because of this Gwen received a specialist education in identification of plants such as bladderwort. Her father believed it was important for her to learn the ways of healing quickly, especially as his only child . At an extremely young age, Gwen attended Garthon’s Great War of Unity, working closely alongside her father as healer who at the time where not helping any seed as much as helping anyone in need of medical attention. It was here where she developed her straightforward and cold personality, feeling anger for her own people for allowing the situation to get this bad. After seeds were abolished she traveled to Laurelin with her father, at this time around 19. 3 years later, Gwen decided to leave Aegrothond and travel in search for new adventures, as for her religious views, she chose to become a free spirit in search of adventure.
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