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Everything posted by Revilo

  1. Revilo


    Revilo was born into a small farming community amongst a bigger Citadel ran by an Infamous Cult leader Azzkiss. However, Revilo had no intention of following the same religious path as his parents and elders were hoping for. Troubled times hit the Citadel as the production of the crops that the boarding communities supplied were falling short. As the pressure built against Azzkiss from his townsfolk, the deranged leader ordered a sacrifice was to be made by all families of the youngest child in hopes the Gods would bring good harvest. Being the youngest of Four, Revilo was selected as his families sacrifice, but he and his older brother Leinad had different ideas and managed to escape from the Citadel. With no idea as to what would happen to their family the two boys ( 13 and 15 ) would travel far and start their own adventure. A few years later, the boys had started their own gang made up of humans and dwarves in the City of Rustboro where they stole from the rich and poor and gave back to themselves. Leinad was later shot and killed by an arrow over a drunken dispute with a Rustboro Military guard. Revilo attempted to take the reigns of the gang which his brother controlled and within two months all the members had either left or been killed due to bad leadership. Revilo travelled from city to city looking for any opportunity that bought him gold and alcohol for the next 2 years. With the turn of is 18th birthday Revilo looks back on his life and hopes the future not only brings gold and alcohol but also purpose.
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