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Everything posted by Endersword11311

  1. Endersword11311


    When Ingwegon was a child he had a was always curios about what was outside the village. His parents wee not so protective of him and let him do what he wanted as long as he was not to get hurt. During school he rarely paid attention in class. He loved seeing the forest around their village. He had no friends as for people thought he was weird .One day he started going into the forest nearby his house looking for what he could find. He did that everyday but on one day he ventured too far and then he got lost. He created a shelter with any available materials he could find when night came he had a shelter. The first few days were traumatizing for Ingwegon as for he missed his parents. he grew up in that shelter for many years one day he ventured far and found a clearing where he found his home again atlas. but it wasn't the same his parents were gone. He didn’t know how long he was gone after he saw that his parents were gone he decided to go back into the forest into his home where he has been in for the last 40 years at most.
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