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  1. GradyAW


    Childhood Gry was born in Asimulei to a wealthy business man and kind mother. During his younger years Gry made friends with a poor dark elf named Coulic. One day Gry was playing with Coulic when his father came out and demanded he come inside. When Gry went inside his father told him he could no longer play with Coulic when Gry aske why his father gave no answer. This started Gry’s resentment for authority this was the moment when Gry decided he would change the world or die trying. After this his father made him train all day long with swords even though he despised it he put up with it with the hope that he could master the weapon and use it for the greater good. Teenage/Young adult One day Gry decided he wanted to explore the world and what better place to do that than Sutica. During his travel to the city he saw many thieves and farmers barely scraping by each sight shoving his heart a little deeper inside him. Finally he arrived the city he heard so much about and the guards opened the gate. Gry walked in looking around at the beautiful city he knew he would make it, it was the only option.
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