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Everything posted by Mugimu

  1. Mugimu


    Born in the Kingdom of Haense in 1764 to her hard working farm tending parents, Guile (who assisted in the defense of the land in the three months war) and Faena Tasker. Helena was raised to treat anyone she met with all of the kindness in her heart. Ironic that her parents would constantly fight at home. She didn’t have many friends necessarily but had many friendly acquaintances throughout her village such as merchants and traders she would meet while delivering her family’s goods in the market. At the age of 14 she met a fisherman named Dalen who was her first real friend. He was an older man, about 60, who taught her to fish and hunt, and with hunting taught her to tend to wounds. One evening after spending the day with Dalen at Lake Milena, she returned home to hear her mother and father fighting again. She began to walk towards her house when she saw through the window, her mother grabbed a knife from the table and stabbed her father. Her mother caught a glimpse of Helena through the window. Helena immediately turn 180 degrees and sprinted to the woods whilst tears ran down her face, making no noise. She made her way to the kingdom of the Kaedrin with what she had on her back and what Dalen was able to spare for her while she started her new life. She is currently looking for an education on medical practice so she may become a nurse or medic for the military in order to fulfill what she believes is her higher purpose.
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