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Everything posted by kawtto

  1. kawtto


    Eglerion was born to a common family in Tahu’lareh. Growing up, he found a love for his school readings and tried to seek out more. He become disappointed in his culture’s treating of reading and literature, and the lack of access to literature for common people, and seeked to change that. His love for reading led him to be lonely, often holing himself up, leading him to not make the same bonds with his peers as everyone else did. When he was 15, his family begun to pressure him to do military work, but he really didn’t want to. He also became disillusioned with snow elf society as a whole. He did not believe in the religion, nor did he enjoy the history. Though he prefers being alone, he hated the isolationist lifestyle and wanted to travel. He decided that, when he turned 30, he would leave the city and find a warmer place to live, away from his family. He hopes to settle down as a librarian or literature teacher one day, and teach his students to love literature the way that the snow-elves were never taught to.
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