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Cory P.

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About Cory P.

  • Birthday 09/21/2002

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  • Interests
    Soccer, Mining and crafting, talking about my faith

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  • Character Race
    Snow Elf

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  1. Cory P.


    Cedany was not born in a good region. There was violence, theft and death on almost every street. There wasn’t a day without something happening. Though life in this condition could make people cold, his parents taught him and two siblings this. “Help those who want it, pray for those who don’t.” This has stuck with him ever since. The only place only affected slightly, was the local church. Even though there was chaos all around, the people agreed to leave the cathedral alone. Here, Cedany learned the teachings of a long gone, great man. A man who taught peace. A person he learned to love though he never met him. Who soon was baptized and confirmed. In these years he learned to control his anger and to only wish for the best for people. Cedany left his home when he turned eighteen. Leaving his family and his church, the two most important things to him. He traveled to different regions. Picking up odd jobs to make way. Enjoying life and going to every church that was available, as he didn’t lose his faith. He returned to his homeland at the age of twenty-six. What he found changed him. The place was destroyed. No home stood. No field being tended to. The church, demolished. Everyone he knew, gone. This broke him. He became angry. wanting to seek revenge not being able, as this was caused by the people who once called this home. It became harder to control his anger after this. Looking to strike whenever tempted. He spent the next four years, working as a mercenary. Killing for money and stealing for kicks. His life transformed into a cycle of, wake up, get job, work, sleep. Everything else being nothing to him. Money and the thrill for causing pain of others, became his god. He then got a job. To kill, like he had done many times before. But this job was different. Target: Fr. Tillington. Fr. Tillington was his priest when he was a young boy. This job was the best thing for him. Instead of taking a life, he was able to start a new one. Now, although he still has trouble controlling his anger, he is more like his young self. Helping those who want it and praying for those who don’t.
  2. Cory P.


    Cedany was not born in a good region. There was violence, theft and death on almost every street. There wasn’t a day without something happening. Though life in this condition could make people cold, his parents taught him and two siblings this. “Help those who want it, pray for those who don’t.” This has stuck with him ever since. The only place only affected slightly, was the local church. Even though there was chaos all around, the people agreed to leave the cathedral alone. Here, Cedany learned the teachings of a long gone, great man. A man who taught peace. A person he learned to love though he never met him. Who soon was baptized and confirmed. In these years he learned to control his anger and to only wish for the best for people. Cedany left his home when he turned eighteen. Leaving his family and his church, the two most important things to him. He traveled to different regions. Picking up odd jobs to make way. Enjoying life and going to every church that was available, as he didn’t lose his faith. He returned to his homeland at the age of twenty-six. What he found changed him. The place was destroyed. No home stood. No field being tended to. The church, demolished. Everyone he knew, gone. This broke him. He became angry. wanting to seek revenge not being able, as this was caused by the people who once called this home. It became harder to control his anger after this. Looking to strike whenever tempted. He spent the next four years, working as a mercenary. Killing for money and stealing for kicks. His life transformed into a cycle of, wake up, get job, work, sleep. Everything else being nothing to him. Money and the thrill for causing pain of others, became his god. He then got a job. To kill, like he had done many times before. But this job was different. Target: Fr. Tillington. Fr. Tillington was his priest when he was a young boy. This job was the best thing for him. Instead of taking a life, he was able to start a new one. Now, although he still has trouble controlling his anger, he is more like his young self. Helping those who want it and praying for those who don’t.
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