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Everything posted by Lockistaf

  1. Lockistaf


    Hillfron was born on Arcas in the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska in the northernmost holding, the Duchy of Valwyck, and the seat of House Baruch. His father was a fisherman like most of the haeseni who live on the northern coast, and his mother was a servant in the Dukes familial keep. Hillfron had 4 siblings, 3 brothers and 1 sister, to which most met their end in the Scyffling invasion of Valwyck. His two older brothers were slain by the Scyffling raiders, while his younger brother and sister were taken captive and have not been seen since. Hillfron only survived because he ran from his home and made it to the safety of the keep where the garrison was along with his mother and father. Hillfron’s father was levied by the Baruchs to fight for the kingdom and the empire against Sutica, in which he lost his life. Now, Hillfron, the new man of the house, picked up his father’s previous job as a whaler and fisherman, but he always longed for more. Hillfron now wishes to seek out work as a shipbuilder for the Kingdom of Haense, either in service of the young king Josef of House Barbanov, or for the new Duke Baruch of Valwyck. Hillfron is ready to head out and seek adventure, to serve and protect what family and values he has left, and to make a better life for himself and his mother. He hopes to become the master shipbuilder of the Kingdom of Haense.
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