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Everything posted by CupcakeSatana

  1. CupcakeSatana


    Rielle grew up in Brandybrook with her mother, Diantha. Her mother was a baker, supplying goods to The Toady Traveler Tavern for a short period of time. Rielle has very fond memories of helping her mother stir batches of cookie dough and waking early to bake fresh loaves of bread. It instilled a desire to cook and bake herself, the woman honing the skill alongside her mother as she grew into a woman. She didn't know her father, and her mother has very faint memories of him. It was joke in her household that she was the best accident that her mother had ever had. As she grew up, she found herself having little difficulties making friends, although she was teased a bit for her affinity of wearing boots. Unlike her fellow halflings, she found it a bit uncomfortable to have her feet out, disliking the sensation of grass on her toes. She remembered her mother sending for a cobbler to make her nice boots for her 15th birthday. Although they don't fit her anymore, she still keeps them as a treasured gift from her mom. They were very close before she passed from illness a bit after her 36th birthday. Her memories lived on through her, every moment together Rielle took to heart. Diantha's ashes were spread out into ocean, Rielle waiting at the beach until sunset just to watch the waves cast her away. She hoped that they'd spread far and wide, allowing her mother's spirit to see far outside of Arcas. Now, each time she passes the beach, she can't help but think of that day. She stayed in her childhood home after Diantha's death but soon felt the space grow cold. Without her there, everything carried a hollowness to it. The walls that once carried laughter now only held silence. She needed to find a place for herself. A place where she could make more memories and free herself from the mourning that had been chained around her ankle. Whether that be in Brandybrook or somewhere else, she wasn't too sure as of yet. Rielle's goal is to travel through Aegrothond before making her way onwards North. Perhaps find a far, far away to make a nice, comfy burrow to relax the rest of her days. She'd also like to meet new people and hear as much gossip as she can.
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