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    Archibald Cain
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  1. WindOTSK


    Archie was born to a family of farmers near Ves, and it was clear from early on he was never going to have a build for such a lifestyle unlike his brother. As such, he was even then somewhat ostracized by them. He thus learned to rely on his whit and words to get his way in the world. To better his skills in these, he read any book he could get his hands on, and regularly found ways to sit in on classes when he was able. Still, he eventually fell in with some less favorable members of society. As it happened, there was never a shortage of money to be made in The Golden City nor people willing to spend it on having items of value returned to them that had been ‘misplaced’. He used the money he made to feed his hunger for knowledge, and used the interactions with the citizens of the society to diversify his speech. While he never stole anything himself, his family of course disapproved of the crowd he had fallen in with and all but disowned him. His “friends” as well, being scoundrels after all, took advantage of this and made a pretty penny of the money he’d amassed. Alone in the world, he decided it was time for a change. He would truly enter the business of finding items of value for those who sought them, if they paid of course. What better city could there be for such an industry than such a wealthy city and center of commerce for both the region and Kaedrin. That being said he still prefers to live outside the city walls, though his desire for knowledge has never left.
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