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Odin likes swords

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Everything posted by Odin likes swords

  1. Odin likes swords


    Esme had a very simple life in the Kingdom of Kaedrin until he was 11. His sister Esnoa who was 16 at the time was roped into criminal activity for the fun of it. Esme wanted to join in and they started stealing and robbing people. He got plenty of treasures because he was hoping to sell them to go to his dream destination and see the Coral Reef. One night around 2 am they snuck out and went to go find things to do. They eyed someone of higher order and went after him. They prepared their knives and Esnoa missed, The Person turning around smacking Esnoa to the ground, Esnoa yelled for Esme to run and Esme managed to escape but at the cost of Esnoa being imprisoned. They tracked where him and his sister lived and asked them if Esme was also in the part of it. His parents found out they he did partake in the action and was given two choices, To have his reputation ruined and him put in prison or they would disown him. He chose to be disowned. He left and after two weeks of trying his best to fend for himself he was taken into another family. He was an only child of two loving parents. He was put back into school but still traumatized and would cry before school and after school. He got fueled by this and wanted to pursue his criminal ways, He only made acquaintances but in school was rough for him, he remained quiet but was made fun of for being way too girly constantly which hurt him badly but he still did good in school. After school he would sneak out and did the things he and Esnoa did he started learning how to throw knives and got worse with stealing. He messed up a lot until he just gave up. He lost his feelings for empathy till he was 17. He broke down, all of the things he did and all the people he hurt it broke him and made him feel terrible. After days of sobbing he decided to leave a note telling his foster parents that he’s leaving and he might visit again and thank you for everything. He snuck out and left for another place in hopes of changing. He is now 18 and ready to start a new life. Putting down his criminal ways and caring for people as he should’ve.
  2. Odin likes swords


    Esme lived a good life until he was around 11 and his sister started to do illegal things and being a child he followed his sister Esnoa and would steal from people eventually getting caught in a huge mess up, having his sister get arrested and Esme luckily escaping. They tracked where him and his sister lived and his parents gave him two options, Either to turn himself in and have his reputation ruined or become disowned and living on his own. He soon got taken in by another family after a couple weeks. He then returned back into school, but Esme was traumatized but it fueled him to become a criminal after school. He would get teased about being too girly a lot but that didn’t stop him or hurt him until he got home and cried a lot. Esme then started to get worse, sneaking out, and then robbing people occasionally but usually messed up to his clumsy nature. He eventually just lost the feeling of empathy until he was 17 and then it all piled up on him and he just broke down guilty of everything hes ever done. He then ran away from home in hopes of finding a better life even if that means living his home town. Now he is 18 and ready to start a new perfect life. He wants to care for people and put down his criminal ways.
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