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Everything posted by Elkfein

  1. Elkfein


    Ick was born in the underground city, located in San’Strok. It was clear from the beginning that Ick’s parents did not want him. As a baby they often neglected him, Ick would go days without being fed or getting any attention, which grew him up to learn to do things on his own, often fighting with the other goblin children for scraps of food out on the street. This was up until his parents abandoned him at age 8, leaving him completely on his own to fend for himself in life. This would mean he often got picked on by orcs or really just anybody bigger than him, and knowing that he wasnt going to get any stronger, he needed another way to fight back. Ick began with the work of tinkering, but with his only access to books being through public libraries, it was incredibly difficult to learn. This is how is life of crime began, he was desperate. He began to study the upper class, watching them methodically. He wanted to know what paths they walked and where they were walking to. Ick knew that if he could catch one man by surprise, just at the right time, he’d have enough money to buy the books for his studies. So he watched them, he almost spent a whole year watching them, he had found one man in particular, he knew that this man would be his victim. He struck at night and he thought the timing was perfect, nobody was around, and he had just snatched the mans coin purse off of him. That was until out of the corner of his eye, he saw an orc woman following him. She told him that she was going to tell the guard on him, unless he did something for her in return. Ick seeing that she was missing her limb, he offered to help her tinker with a prosthetic. He led her back to the small den he worked and slept in, and began to work on her arm, during this they both talked about their common interests of how orcs and goblins are treated poorly, and soon begun to hang out more and more often. This would lead to the two of them becoming good friends. He later found out that her name was “Arglos”. He began to believe in tinkering more than the shaman spirits, thinking to himself that if the spirits were really with him they would help him. Ick was able to buy his tinkering books, and with the experience of making a prosthetic for Arglos, his skills began to refine. He was finally able to start to get the education he wanted, it was incredibly tough, teaching himself, but he thought that it built character. Over time as he got better, he’d make improvements and changes her to arm. Arglos would often show Ick what the “Klomp” was. These quite interested him, he enjoyed seeing the bloodshed, as it was primal nature for him by his ancient curse from his ancestor Krug. While drinking in a tavern one day when he was 19, he was approached by a man named Krungor. Krungor and Ick spoke about their views on the world, and how it felt like goblins and orcs went under appreciated. Ick looked up to Krungor, almost as like a fatherly figure that he never really had for most of his life, even though Krungor was not too much older than himself. Ick decided to join Krungor, and they begun to form a group of Orcs and Goblins that believed in similar ways, Ick inviting Arglos to join the group after some time. It was now to this day that he saw these people as his new family.
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