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Everything posted by LynxEssence

  1. LynxEssence


    Born in (Unsure of Exact year in game, 24 years previous to modern day) Circa ~*1751*~ to the Light of a new moon, Ty’r was always expected to be a child of mysticism with the spirit of a wanderer and a poet His home was Nestled in a Valley nearby a River of the “Talus Grove” of the Druidic Order. Though not sanctioned by the Order, his family was loyal to their cause of Cherishing the land and working with the abundance of nature, often offering tributes in the form of produce and whatever coinage they could save through their meager farming lifestyle In his youth, Ty’r could be found lost in the woods gallivanting about whilst discovering new Herbs and Flowers of the land. He would always get in trouble bringing home the likes of Blistering Toad Blissfoil Shadeleaf and other exotic yet often poisonous local Flora of the land. He grew with only his Mother, his Father supposedly “Lost at sea” during a pilgrimage to new lands in hopes of mapping the world. His only memory is a locket he treasures closely to his heart. Much his Father’s Son, Ty’r always sought the most wild of adventures. One could describe the boy as a Noble Savage, as while he was quite intelligent, well spoken, learned, and polite.. He had a side of him that was nearly bestial, the way that he roamed the land as though he had never known anything other than the forest sprites of myth and legend. His family was of a lineage of ‘Fae’, though truly they were really only ‘Half Elves’, his Mother always romanticizing their history to the young lad. His curiosity of course one day got the best of him. After observing a species of fungi a bit too closely, he was infected with an illness that nearly stole his eyesight. Gathering every last coin she had, his Mother did all she could, with the aid of local herbalist and Apprentice Druid, they barely managed to keep the boys sight. Despite this disadvantage, Ty’r seemed to thrive at having the challenge! He embraced such Ill will with open arms, declaring it to be a life changing miracle. As he grew, he welcomed adversity with open arms though learned his devious lesson taught to him by the forests’ spirits.. Curiosity has its costs! Soon Ty’r Emerged from his cocoon of youth and was a strapping young lad with a dream to one day join an order that understood his philosophies on life! Perhaps even... The order above all Orders... The Druids of Myth and Legend He kept his conscious clear of joining any Political debauchery including any kingdoms such as The Holy Orenian Empire, Ty’r was a simple wanderer, herbalist, and poet! ()Lore references in Green () Previously Applied, Was told biography was too long so I attempted to keep this short and sweet.
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