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Everything posted by abidlo

  1. abidlo


    For her people, the Adunians, Valyr has a small frame. Deceptively dark brown hair frames her face in sweet mousy curls. Her mother's tawny frizz had grayed at an early age, to no-ones surprise. Varya is thankful to have inherited her father's features here, for sure. Her cream face drowns in ever-present rosy pigment which cloaks her cheeks. This natural rouge is a lucky coincidence for Valyr, being prone to embarrassment and the hot flush it often entails. Only the dirtiest of jests or deepest of misunderstandings reveal the cherry tomato red of Valyr's flushed countenance. Valyr is an earnest heart at the core of an easily startled demeanor. She is caring, loyal, and selfless to a fault. She's anxious during most any social interaction, reserving her cool head for only her closest companions.When she's at work in the fields or taking care of her family's horses Valyr feels a deep sense of calm in vast contrast to the sharp, kinetic panic she feels in high cities. In the boring, repetitive labor of farmwork Valyr finds a deep sense of satisfaction. Her work isn't noiseless, but a unique sense of quiet settles over her as she routinely feeds the pigs and hauls haybale after haybale. Valyr worked tirelessly for seventeen years on farmland that had been passed down through her family for generations. From the moment she could walk she was closely involved in the growth of her family's business. She cherished her time on the farm, working diligently to learn the tools of the trade. Her younger brother was to take control of the vast acreage following the Adunian tradition. Valyr's father was warm toward her and had taught her many --if not all -- of the practical skills that she knows. Together the two of them would fish in the beautiful rivers of Haense, where she grew up. They would camp out in the wilds and roast small game for supper, and in the morning they would be at each other's sides to work the fields again. Something in their tight kinship inspired disgust in Valyr's mother, however. Of course, she loved her husband, but the daughter... to her she was ice. Was Valyr a disappointment of a child? Was there something that she had done wrong? Perhaps it wasn't Valyr herself, but something she represented. For whatever reason, it was made clear to Valyr at a young age that if her fate ever up to her mother she would need to make her own way in the world. Unfortunately, the worst had come to pass. Now Valyr is forced to pick up the pieces and make a new start outside the fields of her childhood home.
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