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Everything posted by Lemoniu

  1. Lemoniu


    As a young girl, Mira never really had a solid home. Her family had alway traveled due to the Wood Elves never having a suitable homeland until they settled within the Forests Dubbed Irrinor. Her parents only knew traveling therefore not staying in Irrinor for long, dragging her with them. She enjoyed seeing the world but she could never keep the friends she had loved. Starting all over again was extremely hard for her and it happened constantly. That’s where her fear for growing attached to people and losing them came from, hence why she never focused on making friends while growing up. Nature was the only thing close to her for Irrinor was the only home she loved. Her family then moved again to Agerothond, which was a charter with elves of many breeds. Though, despite all the new opportunities, she kept her distance from those around her. She was an outcast and hated every second living in Agerothond. Not that it was a bad place to be in, she trusted no one. Just as she began getting used to her new life there, her family was ready to move again. This is when she had enough. At fifteen years old, she decided it was time to go out on her own. She snuck away from her parents and ventured off into the Federation of Sutica. It was a fearsome decision on her part since she has never been out on her own. She had no one to rely on and this made things difficult especially for a young wood elf like herself, having to learn things on her own. She kept her distance from everyone to avoid being hurt because not only had she been abandoning her past relationships, she also abandoned the only people she had left- her parents. This was something she thought she needed, though it haunted her for years. Soon enough, she left Sutica and to this day, she is an eighteen year girl who travels on her own, yet to find a permanent home.
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