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About Ashh

  • Birthday 06/03/2004

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    Signing, roleplaying, cosplaying, reading, watching anime

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  1. Ashh


    Verin was born to two elves, Dara and Metaron Moonstalker. She was an only child but wished for a younger sibling because she was always lonely. Verin and her parents lived in a secluded home, so her only friends were the woodland creatures around her. She once did have a pet snake, but one day she left the cage open and she never saw her snake again. Verin was always close with her parents and they had a strong bond. They would do everything together from getting up until Verin couldn’t keep her eyes open any longer. One of the common traditions that her family held would be praising and honoring their ancestors on the first day of every month. They would do this by making all of their ancestors favorite foods and have a giant feast down by the family graveyard. After the war against the Wood Elves when the Dark elven community was split the Moonstalker family lived in Asimu'lei. Both of her parents worked as merchants selling flower arrangements. One day Dara and Metaron received a strange scroll and told Verin they would be back in a few days. One week had passed and Verin’s parents never came back. Months turned into years. Verin lost hope in ever seeing her parents again. By her late teens she had learned to move on from her parents and start to focus on her life. She had taught herself to read and write, and to cook and clean. Once Verin was old enough she applied for a guild. Now she is in the Dark Elf guild and has found herself a new family.
  2. Ashh


    Verin was born to two elves, Dara and Metaron Moonstalker in a small forest called Falsor wood. She was an only child but wished for a younger sibling because she was always lonely. Verin and her parents lived in a secluded home in Falsor Wood, so her only friends were the woodland creatures around her. She once did have a pet snake, but one day she left the cage open and she never saw her snake again. Verin was always close with her parents and they had a strong bond. They would do everything together from getting up until Verin couldn’t keep her eyes open any longer. One day Dara and Metaron received a strange scroll and told Verin they would be back in a few days. One week had passed and Verin’s parents never came back. Months turned into years. Verin lost hope in ever seeing her parents again. By her late teens she had learned to move on from her parents and start to focus on her life. She had taught herself to read and write, cook and clean, she even taught herself how to do magic. Once Verin was old enough she applied for a guild. Now she is in the Dark Elf guild and has found herself a new family.
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