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Everything posted by Emi?

  1. Emi?


    She was born in Sutica to a family that was a little above the normal working families. Not a lot, but enough to make life ‘’fancy’’. The family had 7 children. She was the absolute middle child and was thus neglected by her mom and dad. She started getting into michevious things such as petty theft and pranks in order to get attention. Because of this she whould get scholded and shun by her mother and beat by her father. At a young age she started to despise her family for treating her like this. She felt as if it was unfair to her and injust. She left home and ‘’moved’’ to ‘Holy Orenina empire’ and started working as a theif for smaller criminal groups. After several years of theivery she was quite skilled at it and her name had become somewhat known in the underground and amongst other criminals. She sometimes get hired by powerfull people to do shady buisness for them in exchange for money in order for them not to get their name dirty.
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