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Everything posted by Falling_Phoenix_

  1. During her childhood, she was kept under a watchful eye of her parents, meaning she didn't have a very eventful upbringing. She typically stayed home with her mother and dove into her love of baking. Her family lived on a small plot of land on the outskirts of Illentalos, an elvish civilization. Her father was a merchant who would travel to and from nearby towns. Growing up in this High Elf village came easy for Ameria’s family since being altered by Lomal’s Word, everyone was seen as equal. Fighting was out of the question as everyone grew to respect one another rather than earlier societies. In her teen years, she persuaded her parents to let her explore more. Although she is very shy, she loves a good adventure. She has a notebook that she never leaves the house without, to keep track of all her findings. On many of Ameria’s adventures, she has stumbled upon words of magic. Her curiosity keeps growing each day as she tries to debunk if this is fiction or not. After questioning her parents with no results, she headed to the town library only to find very little research. After separating from the other Elf devisions, the High Elves turned away from magic. They felt there was no need for it. So it slipped passes many generations, slowly being forgotten. Now that she has just turned 20, her plans are to go off into the world on her own. She does not wish to stay in her home town of Illentalos. She hopes to find a companion to travel with.
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