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  1. costola


    Gorgon Ulfor is your expectation of any Orc. Grumpy, ugly, and takes great pride in fighting. Ever since his time as a youth, he was very ambitious when it came to rising amongst his Orc clan as a warrior. However, his father always belittled him due to his barbaric, tribal nature. Gorgon shared the same feeling against his father, as Gorgon's father was never that much of a fighter, and always valued peace and stability over combat and wealth, which was unusual for an Orc. Nevertheless, Gorgon respected him as he was his father's offspring one way or another. His older brother Kertug was more mature and honurable than Gorgon, which made him a rising star amongst the clan. Ulfor looked up to Kertug with great jelaousy, which started a long standing conflict between the two. Their father passed away at the age of sixty due to natural causes, and left Gorgon in a wretched state. Gorgon was in his mid 20's at the time, and after a rainy day during midnight, Gorgon was exceedingly intoxicated, and had a quarrel with Kertug right outside their homestead. One thing led to another, Gorgon let his anger get the better of him and striked Kertug down with his blade, ravaging him continuously. After being covered in his own brother's blood, Gorgon instantly regretted his wrongful actions and was seen by other settlers as he committed this evil deed. Killing another Orc was considered against the clan's rules, and Gorgon knew that he had to flee the premises. He ditched his deceased brother and vacated his birthland known as Mau'Madur, drifting from settlement to settlement where he puts his combat skills to good use. He started off in Sutica, where he seeks mercenary work in order to slip some coin into his pockets.
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