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Character Profile

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    High Elf
  1. Nikolai.exe


    The elfess hails from Sutica, originally, though she finds herself lingering across the continent. In her youth the woman found herself with an adoration for music, which led her to where she is today. Following her passion as a bard throughout the nations and playing to her heart's content. She spent little time concerning herself with education outside of music, and speaking only thin strands of the elven language. Though the elfess is adept at musical pieces on several instruments, and finds her way making minae by entertaining small crowds. Eventually, in her late nineties she moved to the Helena region, sleeping propped up against buildings and against the bushes or the riverside. She remains there, holding her instruments next to herself in sleeping. The elfess has no notable family, having moved outside of her parents' home and lsot track of them decades before. She had been an only child and remains without siblings. The only 'family' she maintains is the good friends she makes during her journey.
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