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Captain Talion

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    Captain Talion#7177
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    Captain Talion

Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Dante Ferdinand Cuervo II
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  1. Captain Talion


    Dante Ferdinand Cuervo II was born to Dante Ferdinand I and Mary Stillwater. His father was a trader from the Hyspia and his mother the heartland. He gained most of his features from his mother, especially his blue eyes. Dante's father met his mother while on a trading mission and they fell in love. Dante Sr, brought Mary back to Hyspia where they had Dante II. His father was not around much in his childhood due to being gone on trading missions, mainly being raised by his mother. He grew up helping his mother at her store, until one day his father returned when he was 18. Dante Sr, offered to take his son away to foreign lands and teach him to trade. Reluctant to go, due to parting from his mother, and the fact he hadn't seen his father in almost 5 years. The adventurous longing of Dante won him over and he joined his father. He travelled with his father for 15 years through lands suchs as the Kingdom of Haense and Oren. Trading began to decline and he got word that his mother was ill and he left his father to return. By the time he got back his mother was already dead, and in grief set out travelling as a sell sword and smuggler. He heard his father was found dead from the cold in the middle of a mountain path holding on to what little money he had left. Realizing he didn't want to end up like a nobody, he returns to the land of his father to make his living..... somehow.
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