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  1. Skywalker417


    Sven grew up with no family, in an orphanage of mostly humans and halflings, that was a front for a religious army, training warriors from a very young age. They used some brutal teaching methods, including beating, burning, whipping, and other forms of such brutality as he reached his teen years, the religion his was discovered and almost destroyed by another religious faction. he fled, alone, to Arcas, to find a new life. In his training he was taught to always keep a helmet or face covering on your face, because these warriors were meant to seem inhuman. The warriors are only known by myth or legend now as Spirit Warrior, because the highly trained warriors would enter battle alone and almost never fail to come out on top, and leave with nearly no trace. Sven tries to distance himself from this life, but struggles because it was his entire lives teaching from day 1 life revolved around, he was never the top of his class or the most skilled Spirit Warrior, but that never stopped Sven from fighting for whats right. He seeks his true parents, or any family he can obtain to feel a sense of belonging. This proves difficult because he knows nothing of his parents other than they reign from Arcas.
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