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Everything posted by Sneeker134

  1. Sneeker134


    Vik Vak was born in the city of Krugmar, but he never liked it much there. Parents telling him what to do, bosses telling him what to do, orcs telling him what to do... Why couldn't he decide what he was going to do? Working as the cook of a small food stall and making ends meet with petty theft on the side, the goblin wasn't happy with his life. It didn't seem like there was anything wrong with what he doing; there were plenty of people in the city who lived similar to his. Yet, Vik Vak was dissatisfied. He wasn't doing things that he wanted to do; Vik Vak was doing things that he had to do. Some day, he'd be the master of his own destiny, and the only person in charge of him would be himself. A decade ago, Vik Vak finally decided to act on his wishes and abandon the city to seek out his own fortune. But first, Vik Vak would need to learn the skills required to do so. Travelling to the home of the Lur Clan, Vik Vak learned what he could about hunting and surviving in the wilderness. Once the goblin felt that he'd learned enough he left, and never looked back. Enjoying exploring the world and living on his own terms, Vik Vak has become something of a hermit, only venturing into civilization when he must.
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