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Everything posted by Vardrus

  1. Vardrus


    Jorgo was born in 1768 in the outskirts of New Reza as the youngest of 3 sons. Being part of the Vezuchet, his family didn't have a lot of money and which caused him to help with work at a very young age. As a child, he was diligent and very active and outgoing, which changed after the forced Haeseni involvement in the Sutican War 1776. His brothers and his father were forced to join the war and fell in the Battle at Hangman's Keep. Following that, Jorgo became a quiet and serious kid, as he had to shoulder the fate of the farm and his mother on his own. Vowing to himself not to be helpless ever again, he starts training the sword in his spare time and ends up joining the army a few years later. However, as he realized that he wasn't able to freely train and had to rely on orders, Jorgo quit at the age of 19 and sold his farm, the thing thad made him a man, and gave the money to his mother, whom he wanted to live a little better from then on without worrying about him. Seeking true freedom, he left the Kingdom of Haense and traveled Arcas as a wandering mercenary. Naming himself after the number of years from his siblings' and father's death to his 'new' life, 11 - Arvin, he kept training his sword and accepted most requests as long as they didn't go against his honor. Occasionally he returns home to give money to his mother and returns to being Jorgo, but to the rest of the world he was known as Arvin, a solitary mercenary.
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