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Posts posted by Disklexia

  1. On 1/18/2024 at 9:07 AM, MeteorDragon said:

    If making someone d20 was removed, lotc would have more positive CRP experiences

    Relatable Relatable.

    18 hours ago, Pancho said:

    The only times I've asked someone to d20 was if they were being a pain in the ass during crp (stalling, powergaming to shit, having to have mod intervention due to not emoting). Though when people simply CRP and do that type of stuff, I try to be in good faith and let them go.

    Honestly, Yeah. If they are being a prick. Yeah D20 would be prefered. I met people that threw a hissy fit over not giving up food. LIke Mechanical food. You know. The easiest thing to get on this server.

  2. To be honest. Yeah I relate to this. While yes, I do make the same mistakes sometime it does not get as bad as the example you give when someone tries to exploit your emote. And the PVP default at that point gets a little frustrating when you spent 3 hours CRP OR even being in a emote Debate (Which I seen some last over a little an hour) Literally a lot of this behavior comes from a few things.

    1. Main character Syndrome. Some people would do this so they could feel validation or pride within their characters. Don't get me wrong. A pink tag/new player will have this phase. It's okay. It gets really annoying when you have someone that play for years do this. 

    2. PVP goons/PVP default. A lot of the time a debate is happening OR said side is loosing they would do anything to try to enforce PVP to happen. I seen AND been in situations where they will try to switch CRP to PVP just so they can have a chance to win (Which usually is OOCly motivated._

    3. Finally, OOC targeting OR the opponents disliking each other, I seen too many times where someone will try to powergame, Metagame, emote Debate, Or whatever is under the book To clutch against someone they dislike. I was of Victim of such AND nearly became a suspect. I been in vc with people that are crping with someone they don't like and at times would meta or powergame.. It's quite crazy.

  3. I feel like there needs to be some clarification. While I wasn't there in person I was watching a stream of the entire event. I will need to clarify a few points.

    One: The "stalling" in reality was her trying to actually think her way through it. Trying to see her options. And also trying her best to basically emote it the best she could. There was a time I told her to "Hold it" When it came to the lore. Now that I will take fault for because let's be realistic here. Plenty of people would find loop holes and such when they go about magic. While I was looking up the lore we kind of bumped into a bit confusion. I was slightly confusing her cause I was confused about a lore piece I was reading on when it came to Kani. Which yes. Took time. But best study just in case there was any flaws with the magic that was being shown.

    Two: The "Run" She did was actually a misunderstanding thinking that pvp was called cause she tried to run away. Rather the rules change or not our understanding of it was once that goes off and pvp started. Originally she emoted running away. I will admit. That was my fault as I took it as you guys doing pvp and told her she might need to do a mechanical run. That one is on me and I am truly sorry for missreading such. She also was trying to comeback but was not able to due to the fact that It was indeed hard for her to find a way back due to what was possibly Lurin's good defenses when it comes to raiding VIA water. So she did find it hard to find her way back.

    Three: The moderation Request was not a way to bail out or anything. I suggested the modreq due to yes. It seemed like her emotes were ignored which does lead what seem to be powergaming. She did comment upon this concern. When she was emoting (Which she was having her character physically interation with one of them) They ignore both her emote and concern. DIdn't even emote ignoring her. Then proceed to pay attention towards her after the conclusion of the mod was made. Which to be honest. The way this seem from before and then literally made it seem like some ooc resentment was behind that. If not. Apologies.

    If any of the mods or prosecutors want to contact me for more information. My discord is disklexia. And Again. Apologies for the huge misunderstanding.

  4. As the Jusmia read this, He would feel something he never thought he feel for a Vallah before... Mourning. He remembers the young Aldrych when he first met the man. He himself didn't know it at the time but He was the only Human that Vakas actually fully trusted. His face would turn into an expression of depression. As he would look down upon the letter. A single drop would fall onto it. His eye would widened as he would just wipe it. He would then sigh as he goes look for his son. A few sniffles could be heard as he places on his helmet and takes his leave along with the letter.

  5. Vakas would go and read the letter as he would pinch the bridge of his nose. He would then turn his hand down at his face as he would comment.


    "Honestly, I am not surprised. Through out Celia'norian history they always were doing something sketchy. I even had a few encounters myself. One with the cult that try to attack a elfess in the Vortician mines. Another in the capital itself when the leader at the time try to protect a phantom with obvious Malice by using her authority. I do hope however, Part of my family that lived there and a little settlement are not caught in the crossfire.. They deserve better and Celia'nor finally deserves to fall."

  6. The Jusmia would reach the missive as he nods

    "At least there is a family in Celia'nor that did not fall into it's dark holds. I will respect this family where the respect is deserved. You have my respect"

  7. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Vakas Jusmia


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:

             I agree


    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?

             I am aware.


  8. 2 hours ago, MC_Celina said:

    Zielle R'ikarth has yet to learn how to read so she just looked at the paper with a soft smile, looking over all the letters "Man, i wish how to read" the child said as she placed the paper inside her closet for her to find once more when she is able to read. 

    Vakas Jusmia would read this for Zielle as he nods "Why doesn't some of these fact surprise me..."

  9. The elf, after hearing about the death of the man he would ponder on what came to this situation. Thinking about the words of Orion's personal guard.
    "I may not know this individual well... But I am worry about my children thoughts and feelings on the matter... From my understanding he was a good man. Seem like it too"
    Vakas would ponder if Orion is resting peacefully. He seem to be wondering how Theo is taking the developement.

  10. The elf would slowly sit as seems to look at the new set laws. He would slowly bring a mug up to his maw, He would drink the brown liquid before placing it back onto the counter right beside him. He would clear his throat before the snicker could be heard from Vakas " By the spirits, So, Celia'nor is becoming softcore Haelun'or with a side of suspicion. I will say. These laws are going to make people react for sure. Can not wait to see that go down."

  11. Amongst reading this and cradling a 'ker child in his other arm he would slowly take off his helm and place it upon his table. His brow would furrow as a concern look would be place on his face. He would exhale as he ponders if the elysium people would amount to what they stand for. He would then shake his head as he realize he has more important matters to tend to... He would refocus on the child.

    The Li-ren elf would be looking through his old belongings as he sees a flier would be at his feet. He would read it with a smile. He would nod as he said "
    May elysium and Celia'nor propser and progress alongside each other"

  12. Vakas Jusmia would seem to pinch the bridge of his nose as he is seen to visibly cringe at the announcement made. He would then lower his hand from his visage. A deep sigh would be heard coming from the Jusmia's maw. He would then speak with utter Irritation.

    "It is funny how they come over to reclaim what they would call Golden throne within Vortice. Two disowned maelstorms throwing a hissy fit over something they have no right too. And the chance of any has been taken away from you. If it didn't before. Well the family head of the Maelstorms took that away from you with merely one notice. Talking and praising yourselves by calling us cowards. Cowards lie. Which you did by threatening our peaceful home with a boomsteel bomb you didn't even have. We were just merely waiting for you to come in to defend what is ours. One of your men even found their way in. But when they saw us. They dove into the ocean. Talking about cowardly. Next time you threatened Vortice with a boomsteel bomb you better actually have one. Cause next time you don't it will be for sure a bolt will rip through your skull"

  13. The elf would stumble upon the letter on his travels, He would slowly pick it up out of utter curiosity as he opens it. His black ferrum gauntlet would brush against the letter as he reads it.  His stormy green optics would widened  as the description of the dedicant was of his old friend. He would have a worry expression upon reading the letter. His expression would go from worried  to an expression of Vex. The elf said under his breath.

    "Final acts of mercy...? Where was that mercy seven elven weeks ago in that battle? Women became widows and children became orphans. The Elven race mourned that day, Seems like they are not aware of their own actions... Their kin's pride is their flaw."

    The elf would sigh as he then left the letter to it's place. He would continue his travels as he would head over to check on his friend.

  14. Full name: Lex Verloc

    Ign: Disklexia

    Reasons for joining: To learn more about the realm and it's inhabitants and to expose of anything that threats it. Also interested for research and study purposes. To better understand the opponent and find a more effective way to defeat and expose such.

    Experience: Decent amount. Mainly undead and supernatural and natural. One otherwordly.
    Discord: Disky#7082

  15. I will say. For anyone that oppose against this. I am gonna make clear that you got to remember that at the end of the day it's a roleplay server. They have worked two years on this being a thing in the first place. Especially with the event line. It took a lot of work and effort for this culture to be a thing in LoTC. If you have a problem with 'Farfolk elves' Just know. Proto elves can come from Farfolk cultures. Nevertheless. I love interacting with this culture and the people. I do believe it would make a good part in LoTC. 

  16. Hello, I am gonna inform you this most likely won't get accepted. For one. To make a creature accepted into lore you have to be way more descriptive. Not just a few sentences. Not just that but you need to put a lot more information about said creature. You also got to put this in your head "Is this LoTC appropriate?" There is a lot of guidelines and regulation that needs to be considered before making lore. You would also have to consider the lore that has been implemented. If I am being real with you. And I am saying this as a friend. This lore won't get accepted. It takes a lot more than thinking of it and making a lore post. You got to look at other lore and think realistically in a LoTC aspect. There is also a lot of other things that needs to be considered but I am not gonna make a whole novel trying to explain this isn't really gonna get accepted.

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