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Everything posted by sujinnn

  1. sujinnn


    When Ash was born her parents always wanted her to be someone important. That's why when she was by the age of 3 they enrolled her into a prestigious school for her to be educated. She excelled at class and even took extra curriculum such as fencing or just fighting in general. She constantly continued on working in pursuing of catching up to her older brother to make her parents proud. She had a hard time making friends since she was always much more mature than kids her age so she tend to isolate herself. She spent all of her time either reading books or training her sword skill. When she was by the age of 16, Ash wanted to go travelling and received permission to. During her travelling days Ash encountered numerous people and monsters. She even befriended a little elf but it wasn't long until they had to part ways. Before coming back home, she stumbled across a strange dungeon that almost led to the death of her. She barely escaped the dungeon with her limbs intact and have isolated herself with school work ever since.
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