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  1. ekotiko28


    In the snowy lands of the Rusu, a wealthy couple lived and prospered in a snowy kingdom. The mother, a gorgeous blonde woman with pitch-black eyes falls sick. She falls asleep and dreams. A inhuman voice whispers sweet words of advice into her hear - having a child would rid her of the disease, and have the child become the new host. Gleeful at the newfound cure, the mother gives birth. The child is hideous - ugly. Resembling her mother in everything but the dark colour of her hair. The child has a faint, pitch black marking on her hand, an indication of the disease. They name her Raika, "demon-child" in Rusu's native language. Growing up Raika sees no compassion from her parents, no reliability - no support. She lives locked away, underfed. Unloved. 8 Years of one sided love, turned to anger and hatred, the markings on her hand spread more and more. Whenever she can, she would run into the snowy nothingness that surrounded the kingdom. Out there, she encountered her first and only ever friend. A snow elf. A young elf by the name.. well, she didn't know how to speak elf. But she called the snow elf, Zema, "snow" in Rusu. They would often deep into the snowy valleys and play. Eventually, they got so close that Zema gifted Raika her dagger. A fine, hand-crafted ivory dagger. Raika came up with a plan. Back at home, her father turned for the worse. Buisness had gotten bad and his anger became physical. Often times the landlord would come over, and demand rent. Demand the things father rightfully owed him. His father became aggressive, and got worse and worse. In his rage, father drinks, and smashes his glass bottle over the landlords head, in his rage. The landlords drops to the floor, dead.The following days are a blur. Her father is found guilty for murder. Deserved. Raika now finds herself in an orphanage, promptly escaping and travelling the kingdom of Rusu. Father in jail, mother cut off from her life, Raika spends the next 9 years living in the streets and working 3 jobs. Saving up money for her travels. The black markings have reached her upper arm and some at the base of her neck. In hopes of finding her long lost only friend Zema and a cure for her disease, she goes south with all of her supplies. Ivory dagger at her side, and pristine white gloves, she is ready for the world.
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