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About jszii

  • Birthday 04/08/2003

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  • Character Name
    Edith Aberra
  • Character Race
    Farfolk Human

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  1. jszii


    My name is Edith Aberra. I am 18 years old. I was born on Sjkoldier, in a village close to the palace in the Queens domain. It was a dreadful place to live. In comparison to the Citadel and the villages surrounding, our village was dreary, cold, and lonely, while theirs were colorful and prosperous. That is where Amana left us to go, though it is unlikely she made it. Those who leave the village and try to run rarely make it to the Citadel alive. Even then, it is almost impossible to be let into the city. Amana is the woman who gave birth to me. I suppose you would call her my mother, but we refrain from calling our parents those words because of the misfortune that fell upon our land after Father married the Witch Mother and killed the creator Mother. The man who you would call my father is Abraham. He raised me on his own after Amana ran away. Up until the eve of my 18th birthday, I was raised as a boy. It is commonly known that strong women are hated by the with, and in villages like mine, they are the first to be given to her as a tribute. Abraham and I were able to stay away from the grasps of the queen for many years because my gender being disguised. However, on most days when the queen was not keeping an eye on our village, I would wear my the emerald dress Amana left behind for me. Everytime I wore it, it dawned upon me how soon it was getting to be my time to be tribute, as I was one of the only women left in the village. I was not allowed to go too far from the village, but every so often I would break the rules and go out and explore. One day, I ran into some travelers of the wild. It was rare to see them so close to the palace, so I took my chance. I had so many questions. They did not want to interact with me too much, but a kind fellow decided to give me a book that he had been wanting to get rid of. The title read "History of Sutica". Its interior was filled with beautiful descriptions of the city in the south of Almaris, a place I heard the Travelers mention as a location they would visit. I immediately began reading. It seemed as though I had found my home within the pages. Everything from the bustling economy, the beautiful streets, the openness to all races, made me long to see it. To live there. Right then I took a leap of faith. I demanded that the travelers allow me to join them on their trip. They regretted to inform me that they would be landing in the Kingdom of Norland, on the opposite side of Almaris. This did not stop me however. I did not care how many miles I had to trek as long as I had a chance to change inevitable fate of my life. After hours of arguing, they agreed. I returned home to beg Abraham to join me. Teary eyed, he declined. He gifted me with a journal and a sword he had kept away for emergencies, packed me some food, and let me go. I realized then, that he also knew I would not live much longer if I remained in the village. And so, with my few belongings attached close to me, I returned to the travelers, and we made our way to Norland, where I would begin my crazy journey.
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