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Everything posted by BestGirlAki

  1. BestGirlAki


    Yvnyrn grew up in a far off farming town near Norland, and it was fairly successful. She worked on the farm for most of her early life, but due to her small size and overall slimmer build, she wasn't as much help as her 4 brothers were. On one trip to the markets to sell their goods, Yvnyrn got lost and separated from her family. She would be lost like that for hours before one of her four brothers would find her again and bring her home. Yvnyrn soon enough became obsessed with alchemy, begging the local witch to teach her their ways. She spent years as their pupil before they had nothing more to teach Yvnyrn. Although during those years, her families farm would be hit by a massive fire, burning the barn and the side of the house where her room was down. Her family had seen her dedication to this craft and saved up as much coin as they could make so they could send her to the city of Norland for her 16th birthday. Once there she would spend the next 3 years learning alchemy and its basics, spending her free time working in a library for coin so that she might one day travel again. Now she is seeking even more knowledge knowing that there is even more out there. She hopes to make it big as a potion maker so that she can help those in need and send her earning back home to her family. She doesn't have the ingredients to make potions, but she has the knowledge of the basics to do the minimal.
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