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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Gilly Goold
  • Character Race
  1. SnowyeFeather


    Gilly was born the youngest of 7 siblings, all of them loud, older brothers in a burrow near the seashore just outside The Under-Realm of Urguan on the 10th day of Malin's Welcome. She loves her family, but she was always stuck as the baby sister of the family and so found herself babied and talked over in turn, which bred some resentment. Her mother also put a lot of pressure on her as the youngest daughter. Her older brothers got do all the fun things like fishing and playing on the beach unsupervised but she was babied. Her parents lived in Brandybrook for a time and always told her and her brothers stories about living with other halflings. Some of her eldest brothers were actually born in Brandybrook and follow the Potato Lord religiously as a result. It just their family out there by the sea, and this fueled Gilly's dreams of someday going to live in a halfling town. When she was twenty, her family's farm started getting raided by orcs for a few years because they did not lock their doors -- as properly halflings do not. Her family was alright but these raids put a huge strain on their family. Some of her brothers have already left their farm to make it less of a burden on Gilly's parents by getting jobs in a city, or thats what they told her. Now that Gilly is of age, she has had enough of living with the constant uncertainty of living with just her family and she traveling to go find another halfling settlement, leaving her elderly parents and some of her older brothers behind. She'll send for them later once she is established, but right now she is just enjoying the freedom.
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