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Everything posted by Salsasorcery

  1. Salsasorcery


    An oddity...An outsider; not of just any nation of Almaris...But the world it'sself. Indeed, Tynaera was a traveler from beyond. Upon distant stars, she was called Witch, Sorceress; a veritable maiden of the dark, the ocult, and the mystical...Now so far away from home, and upon a realm entirely new to her eyes. She had a family, of course...High Nobility, in fact...The Firstborn heir of a Duchy, she would surely inherit one day her mother's crown, but alas, fate had other designs. Her journey as a Sorceress in her home world began with the years of her first marriage at the tender age of 14. She was married off to a much older Lord for political and military support...The nation from which she hailed was one of strife, on the cusp of war with it's self, and had a long history of crowns passing from brow to brow. Amidst darkness and desperation, she called out in prayer for Salvation from her beaters, torturers...And...Abusers...And one day received an answer. It promised power...If only she could nurture the seething darkness within...As they say, the rest is history... That is of course, until her arrival here...In the Kingdom of Norland; a cold and chilly land that reminded of home. There were...And still remain a number of stark contrasts and a number of dire complications that continue to boggle her to this day. Chiefly; she has been unable to tap her magical prowess, as if something had prevented her doing so from the very beginning, and still continues to haunt her. It has made life difficult, not being able to rely on the arcane contrivances she is used to, but it also made her journey that much more satisfying of a promise. She'd come here as a knowledge seeker...As she did to so many other worlds, and the thought of unlocking arcane secrets of a new world, so familiar, and yet so different, was the truest of prizes for this enterprising witch. Tales of the Wandering Wizard and their vast repertoires of knowledge were quick to plant the seed of wonder in her mind. "I shall learn all that their scrolls would portend." were the final words of determination, before she made the commitment to remain...But first...She had to get that damned magic back somehow!
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