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  1. AhmetTheBrave


    Ahmet born as the second child of a merchant father and a lower-noble mother. He spend his childhood running in the streets of Sutica. Talking to sailors on the harbor , listening their stories of legendary navies and undead admirals were his favourite time to pass time, although now he just remember these as visions of an unfamiliar past. When he was 12, his father's problems begun. He would come home tired, talking about how it was a hard day and how hard it was to deal with shareholders. Ahmet wouldn't care about such talks, he didn't understood economy and he was sure his older brother, Han Giray, would instead take place of his father. His interests were more on news of wars on the other countries. He would only listen the history tutors and slack on others. He begged his father to let him learn swordplay, but his father had other plans for him. As he grew older, his father had more problems with shareholders, and only when he was 15 he understood the cruel truth of the situation, as they had to sell his mother's rings. When he was 16, his father couldn't pay for his tutors, so he had to send him to Oren, to their Uncle. When they arived at Helena, he couldn't believe seeing those great walls and towers. It was like a dream come true, soon to be awoken from. Their Uncle, Ozal Giray, was a retired soldier and a rich man with no family except of a son who forgot about him long time ago. After 3 years of education, Uncle Ozal died. Everything the Uncle Ozal had was passed onto his son. Ahmet Giray stuck far from home, without a single penny. But he doesn't see this as a bad thing, he is finally able to live in Empire, a name he is familliar from stories of war.
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