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  1. TheG


    Born far in the kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska in 1770, Shson was a highlander at heart with his mother and father being merchants in a village. His grandfather, years ago, had fought in the Great War at the Battle of Galahar and his grandpa also fought in the Coalition War, at the Battle of the Gorge. When he was only 4 his mother had taught him the way of the trade and his father showed him how to scale the nearby mountains and cliffs. However, his father was later found dead by him a few years later at the bottom of the cliff, having fell off of the cliff attempting to scale up one. With only his mother providing now, Shson visits village after village selling anything he could get his hands on every journey. One evening on a cold morning he was climbing up a mountain as part of his daily routine, his hand misjudges a climbable surface and he slips and sprains his ankle. Around 40 feet up from the ground now with a sprained ankle, he attempts to make his way back down the mountain. Every step he took made his body ache in pain almost 25 feet away from the floor now he slips and his legs lose grip of the mountain. He barely manages to hold on while he attempts to get his leg back on stable footing. He slowly makes his way back down now and makes it on the floor again. He slowly makes his way back hopping on one leg.
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