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  • Character Name
    Eren Bryzeiros
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  1. Sacerdos_


    Eren's parents died when he was 2. His mother's necklace was always with him. Only relatives he had was his grandfather and his newborn sister. His grandfather was 65 when he was born. His grandpa was working in coal mine. When Eren was 12 Flinar, the grandpa had an accident in mine so he couldnt work anymore. That meant Eren had to work.He never go to the school but he read books every day. He worked at the same mine where his grandfather did. One day, Flinar was telling a story about magic to them. Eren and his sister Ashera were excited but they felt asleep. Next day Flinar was sick. his colour was off and he coughed a lot. Eren thought "This old man does nothing but lying down" he was angry. He yelled at Flinar.Flinar was upset but he understood him. eren were sad because the situation they were in. eren left the house and sat on the street. he didint even realize sun was rising and the lose of the necklace. Eren was ready to apologize to his grandfather. But Fliner were dead. He saw Ashera crying and he hugged to her. he regret everything he did.
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