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  1. Metauros


    Born in a small desert village south of Kharasi Oasis to loving parents, an only child. Childhood and youth spent undergoing the harassment of his fellow men, he found refuge only in his family and a few other friends. His closed and reserved nature has always kept superficial people away. At the age of 17 he became the protagonist of the "half-dawn": during that morning, the small village had lost about half of its population to his hands. He is forced to domestic confinement pending the age of 18, the age in which he is tried and sentenced to death, in his defense he will always tell only: "I was not in me, I was not myself". Through the intercession of his parents, who were important exponents of the village, his sentence is reduced to exile for life. From 18 to 24 he lives an improvised, nomadic and solitary life. Exhausted by his condition, he decides to return to the village, sadly discovering that there is nothing left, not even any rubble, swallowed by the sand. He therefore decides to push his journey north, in search of answers, He know that he's parents are still alive. The few people he meets along his path describe him as a liar, crude and gruff, tempered by life despite his young age, and with a self-awareness envied by the old sages. Only he knows his truly past, and it is hidden behind his white eyes and his covering bandages.
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