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  1. GMAN0074


    Ryan, Live at home son one day finds himself in the middle of a battle he cant control, His parents send him to the woods not knowing he will never see them again. For the next 18 years he travels the land town to town finding communities and part time homes to stay at and find shelter. Ryan grew up in The Free State of Sutica. His Dad, a known Architect in town, made a good payment in construction and building, His mother stayed at home. They were very involved with trade in Sutica and made many trips to far away lands. At the age of 8, His family started a trip north to the Holy Orenian Empire to meet with people at a Trading post set up years before. On their way they meet many people such as Elves and Dwarfs other Humans. About half wat through The Kingdom of Urguan they were meet by a posy of Dwarfs apparently looking for money to buy for and supply's, This wasn't true. They attacked Ryan's family and looted their wagon and resources. As the pillage continue Ryans mother sent him to run into the woods to get to safty and that they will come and find him tomorrow. So he did, he ran for what felt like 100 Miles and found a Cave to stay in. They never returned... Ryan you the next 18 Years survived alone in the wild learning English and other skills like Medical expertise during his travels across the land meeting people as he went around. he eventually found himself in city after city making his way by asking community members his location and getting charity from willing individuals. He has been attacked by many creatures and you can serch the woods and find many of his creations like small houses and decorated caves witch he used skills he had learned from his father.
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