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  1. Omnitrickster


    He was a doctor who lived in the woods with his wife and two daughters until a group of heavily armored men requested he follow them when he refused the men held his family at gun point and so he left with them with some of the men still watching over his family the men took him to a facility and into a room with a table which he was strapped to some scientists came into and injected him with some green fluid and then things went black when he woke up the men explained that his body was going to be used as a way to create a cure for a future infect and he was going to be their cow soon after he was hooked to whiles and being trained of his own blood but would never pass out after the treatment was done they then left the room again some time later a man came into the room and Brian escaped knocking the man out and escaping but when he returned to his home his family had been killed filled with sadness and rage his eyes turned a dark shade green and he returned to the facility where he mercuslly killed everyone inside and then left to bury his family and ventured out into the Wild this could change to fit a fantasy setting
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