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Everything posted by Blued_Diamond009

  1. Blued_Diamond009


    The Doom Marine was originally a human from Earth who served in the Marines and was dishonorably discharged due to assaulting his commanding officer after refusing to fire upon a crowd of unarmed civilians, and was later transferred to the UAC Phobos base as security. The marine soon found himself trying to prevent the demons of Hell from invading Earth. After having fought demonic hordes through Phobos, Deimos and Hell, he returned home to find Earth overrun by demons and his pet rabbit Daisy among the billions of people killed, giving him further reason to pursue hunting the demons. He continued fighting the horde on Earth, before taking the fight to Hell once more. he shows a little more emotion, expressed more through actions rather than words the man used to speak but later chose not to for reasons unknown aside from uttering "guttural hefts of anger" on his enemies. he is from a alternate universe but due to a unknown factor when he was saving his planet he got teleported into a village full of elves and he only had his blades
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