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  1. FranzFerdinand


    Jack Conway was born on the outskirts of The Holy Orenian empire. His family was a farming family and from a young age he helped around the farm. He became accustomed to the farm life and the rough conditions of getting up early to tend to the live stock. When he turned 7, he began to be home schooled. However, his parents soon gave up on him due to the difficulties he faced in understanding. Jack became friends with local hoodlums when he moved to a larger town. These rebellious kids taught Jack many of his skills and ideals as he grew up in life. Recently in life, Jack moved to Sutica in search of work and a home. His family stopped contacting him and he began his descent into alcoholism. To cope with his family ostracizing him, he began to drink heavily and he fell into the Gospel of Soloman. This religion follows the teachings of Soloman, a blind old man who is incredibly racist to elves.
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