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  • Character Name
    Yee_Rell The Humble
  • Character Race
    Wooden Elf

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  1. Yee_Rell


    Brought into this world through the essence of nature. Yee_rell the humble technically does not have biological parents, but instead the spirits of nature raised her. A strange voice kept guiding her into the right path since birth, being an important keystone throughout her childhood and early adult life. Wandering around the forests of N'jatir; Yee_rell quickly caught up on the means of survival, exploration and education. She learnt how to utilize most of what nature offered. Everything from what kind of berries were edible to simple potion alchemy. As time passed by and her skills improved, the previous strange voice faded gradually. By the time Yee_rell had explored all of N'jatir; finally ready to explore The Realms of Almaris the voice completely faded. Not knowing where to go nor understanding the means of society, Yee_rell decided to settle down wherever felt closest to home. This temporary home being The Druidic Order. Considering her occasional obliviousness to her surroundings she simply did not know her presence in The Druidic Order. This was until other natives from N'jatir greeted her in this very realm. Already being an adult with ease for learning, she quickly picked up what it meant to be with others and thus her first friends came into her world. Travelling further north with her companions they eventually found the borders of The Under-Realm of Urguan. Having never seen another culture, Yee_rell was intrigued and wanted to learn more about the history of The Dwarven Legion. But sadly this start to potential immersion was quickly interrupted by the previous faded strange voice. The strange voice called Yee_rell and her fellow companions back to the forests of N'jatir. They had somehow been overrun by an unknown nation of wooden elves, destroying what they formerly called home. This abrupt and unexpected event lead to the loss of her closest friends as they were forced back into the realm of N'jatir. Luckily Yee_rell had gathered enough knowledge about her former home, being able to resist the strange voice calling her back to fight. As she ran away from the calling she did not pay attention to where she would end up. The bloodbath had begun without her. All that remained after the bloodbath were her loss of friends and utter destruction of the previous mythical forest N'jatir. Who were these unknown wooden elves and why didn't the strange voice recognize them earlier? And more importantly... What was Yee_rell going to do now without her friends? Perhaps she could find answers within The Realms of Alamris. Edit: <Character Biography> The strange voice could be compared to some sentient being. Wood elves such as Yee-rel experience this through a little voice inside their head, guiding them through N'jatir. To further clarify you could essentially give the strange voice a name - perhaps "Jaahr, voice of the forest". A resemblance of something guarding the magic forest and its inhabitants. <Character name> Yes, there is no issue with the name Yee-rel instead of Yee_rell. Imagine every part containing her previous name being replaced with Yee-rel. <Roleplaying experience> I have very little roleplaying experience. I do occasionally write and watch other people play Dungeons and Dragons which sparked an interest. My earliest and most likely only memory of roleplaying would be in an old MMORPG called Wonderland-Online, though I was 15 at the time.
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