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Magnus Xander

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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Gundyr Brodvin
  • Character Race
  1. Magnus Xander


    Gundyr was born in the middle of nowhere to a rather wealthy tradesman and a his maid. Due to the father being a tradesman Gundyr lived quite a comfortable life, lacking in adventure and fun. They moved everywhere that they could possibly go, from Aegis to Athera just to continue trading and because of that Gundyr couldn't consider him from anywhere, he was a guy from nowhere and everywhere. His father has seen such events as seeing Sillius Horen become the king of Oren. The more Gundyr grew up the more he desired the wealth that his father holds. This desire became the fuel he needed to pursue his vision of money and power. he moved from place to place and worked odd jobs to have a firmer foothold to fulfil his dreams. After years of hard work and tedious labour he finally got a job as a renowned tradesman just like his father but this time he banded with others to create large group of travelling tradesmen that all became close friends. Years past and Gundyr had nearly gotten the fortune he desired but just as he was born in a forest he and his friends were all attacked by unknown figures it all went down in just a matter of seconds. He was beaten to a pulp and barely lived unlike his less fortunate pals. He was stripped of all his money and belongings and has been forced to survive with barely nothing. All he wants is to regain the power and wealth he had.
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